Welcome to PLATO-Pub

Welcome to PLATO-Pub, the publication webtool of the ESA Space Mission PLATO.

You can read more about the service on the public "About PLATO-Pub" page if you are interested.

In order to have access to PLATO-Pub you have to sign up. Please see the "New member" page on how to become a member.


31st Jan 2025: Service Window

On 3 February 2025, there will be an IT service window at Aarhus University that may affect the PLATO-Pub site.

22nd Feb 2024: Service window

On Thursday 29 February, there will be a service window for PLATOPub and the site may be unstable or offline. We expect the site to be up and running again during the afternoon.

5th Dec 2022: New version of PLATO-Pub

We have just released an update to the PLATO-Pub system which, in addition to several minor improvements, now allows you to include ORCID identifiers of each coauthor on your publications. This allows you to easily find all the publications that you are a coauthor of.
If you come across any problems or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.