14th Jan 2022: PLATO gets green light for next phase

PLATO has been given the green light to continue with its development after the critical milestone review concluded successfully on 11 January 2022.
Read more here:

6th Jan 2022: Already published papers added

Yesterday we added previously published PLATO publications to PLATO-Pub. You can therefore get the full overview off all PLATO publications from 2011 to today in one place.
Only publications with open access full-text PDFs were added, so if you do find that your old publication has not been added, feel free to upload it.

14th Oct 2021: PLATO-Pub is now live!

The PLATO-Pub website has been opened to the public. We hope you find it useful and enjoy reading and sharing your papers on PLATO.
Any comments on the website should be directed to Rasmus Handberg.
